Skilled Trades Playbook by At Your Best

Ep. 014 - Conversation about the programs, support and tangible opportunities available through the Associated Builders and Contractors. Call with John Morris - President of the Ohio Valley ABC

Juan Carosso Season 1 Episode 15

In this episode, you'll hear my conversation with John Morris. He's the president of the Ohio Valley Associated Builders and Contractors as well as president of the Ohio Valley Construction Education Foundation. John speaks to the opportunities available in the construction trades along with the programs, services, networking opportunities that local ABC chapters make available to its members.

Please feel free to send me you comments as well as any ideas on how I can improve the Skilled Trades Playbook podcast series on Twitter to @aybcareers or you can email me at

For more information about the Ohio Valley chapter of the Associated Builders and Contractors, please click here

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Thanks a lot, Juan Carosso